How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You

Do you think a Blog comment can make money for you? Well, it certainly made money for me and if you are serious about it, it can also make money for you. In this guide I will be sharing all the steps which I took, that made $$$ for me. Last week I talked about blog comment moderation guide, and if you are a regular Shouter, you would know that on my blogs I accept only high-quality and meaningful comments.
I made a policy of accepting comments which adds value to the post and this is one thing which encourages more high quality comments from you and other shouters. After all, who would like to drop a detailed comment when they know they are not being heard. If you are still haven’t read my earlier guide on blog commenting, I suggest you to go through this post and read it word by word. This will certainly change the way you approve comments on your blog.
Yesterday I shared a blog post about Swift WordPress theme which is one of the popular WordPress themes out there, and I was getting comments from people who tried and tested this premium theme for free. Today, I got a comment from Raspal (A Shouter) who informed me about the popular WordPress theme called “X“. That’s kind of unique name for a WordPress theme; is int it?
Making money from Blog comments How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
The name itself is so amazing, I couldn’t help myself and researched about it. While researching I got to know this particular theme is ranking as number#2 on ThemeForest and this is kind of big deal. More over, this theme is a featured pack modern WordPress theme which we need to stand out in today’s date.
Check out X Theme on ThemeForest.

How I made money with Blog Comments:

I started researching about the theme and landed on the official theme page which is professionally done. If you have heard me before, I always talked about being visually appealing and that’s the first thing which attracts first time visitor. I started looking at the features, and this particular WordPress theme has all the latest features such as Flat UI, Google Authorship, Responsive design to name a few and it’s designed for someone like you and me with no technical skills. I will share the review soon, but first let me get back to the story.
I quickly searched for the contact form and contacted the developer to ask for a review copy. This is something which I already talked earlier on this post. This is the exact Email which I sent in the Email (Kindly ignore the typos):
review copy of WordPress theme How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
Within next 15 minutes I got a reply from them , and they were more than happy to offer me the review copy of the theme. Here is the Email reply which I got.
Comment form reply How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
And here goes my reply to the Email:
Email response How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
And this was the final email before I was on a Skype call with Kyle:
Final money Email How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
And within next 5 minutes of Email conversation, I was on a voice call with Kyle who is the marketing guy from For the first 30 minutes we talked about the them itself; and he explained what made them to create this theme and all the story behind it. I will share the details with the review post soon, but for not lets stick to the topic.
Once we are done talking about theme features and it’s inception, I asked him about the advertising options he is looking for. This is where importance of advertising page comes into the picture, and he told me about the unsold inventory he saw on ShoutMeLoud advertisement page. I realised that I have not updated the advertisement page for the months and this page still shows $650 for sidebar banner advertisement. Well it would be so inappropriate to ask for updated price, I asked Kyle to let me use my affiliate link for the sidebar banner which he gladly accepted. Within minutes he sent me the graphics and made the payment via PayPal, and his ad was live.
PayPal money How A Single Blog Comment Made $650 For Me & Takeaway For You
This all thing happened within 60 minute of span and indeed with the help of one meaningful comment. Now Kyle WordPress Theme “X” banner is already live on ShoutMeLoud and it made me $650 from the direct advertisement and more money would follow from the affiliate sales.


This story is not about how I made $65o from a direct ad sales, but it’s about how you can use the same idea to make more money. First and foremost, take comment on your blog very seriously. My only advice would be; before you approve any comment ensure it’s adding value to the post itself. More over, when somebody comment on your blog about something which is new to you; take it seriously. Research and see if that’s something interest you. Ensure you have an advertisement page on your blog to ensure marketing guys can find out advertisement options on your blog.
This is one quick story of just another blog comment on ShoutMeLoud and if you follow the same policy, I’m sure your blog comments will do more than just adding value to your post. If you have a similar story to share, I would like to hear your story. If you find this blogging experience useful, do share it with your blogger friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Saturday, 29 March 2014
Posted by Unknown

7 Growth Up Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To For Learn

Startups live and breath by their ability of marketing themselves to the world. Startups depend on their customer acquisition growth. The better crowd they manage to gather around their new thing, the more attention they would get. Especially startups with little to no marketing budgets are the ones that rapidly implement the growth hacking techniques.
If you aren’t yet aware of the basic principle of what this growth hacking is all about, you can read the Intro to Growth Hacking here at SomeHowNet . This technique of Growth Hacking has been so widely accepted among the rising startups that companies have started hiring growth hackers. We have already seen what differentiates a growth hacker from a marketer and you can visit the link above if you haven’t yet!
Rising the viral co-efficient of a startup is the primary concern of a growth hacker. As the say goes, ‘Learn from the Masters’,  here we have gathered a few Blogs, Websites, Personal blogs and Services on the internet for you to get in groove with this new trend that is spreading at a rabid pace.
Browse them, subscribe to these blogs and websites to keep in touch in the industry of growth hacking.

Growth Hacking Blogs To Subscribe To

Growth Hacker TV
Growth hacker TV 5 Growth Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To
Visit Website
Growth Hacker TV is like the YouTube for growth hacking enthusiasts. This service was started by Ivan Kirigin, the growth hacker of Dropbox. This isn’t a free service and is the one for people serious about becoming a growth hacker with tips from the industry’s finest. It comes at a monthly subscription of $29. They already have 50 episodes ready with lectures from the top growth hackers responsible for Facebook, Dropbox, Hulu, Linkedin, Expedia, etc.
Growth Hack
Growth  5 Growth Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To
Visit Website
Growth Hack is one of these amazing blogs dedicated to quality articles on growth hacking tips and tricks. They have also included in-depth case studies of companies applying growth hacking techniques for their companies or startups. They also offer paid growth hacking courses on their website for learning in depth about executing growth hacking principles.
Growth Hackers
Growth Hackers 5 Growth Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To
Visit Website
Growth Hackers is like the ‘Hacker News for Growth Hackers‘. The site is a real-time news aggregator dedicated solely to growth hacking. There is a similar site structure as of the Hacker News, however the quality of the articles posted there are worth your read.
Startup Marketing 5 Growth Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To
Visit Website
Startup-marketing is the blog of none another than the one who coined the word ‘Growth Hacking’ – Sean Ellis. This is a must visit blog for growth hacking enthusiasts as it will familiarize you with many startup marketing and growth hacking tips from the one who formulated it.
Andrew Chen
Andrew Chen 5 Growth Hacking Blogs You Must Subscribe To
Visit Website
The quality of articles on growth hacking at Andrew Chen’s blog makes it one of the must subscribe blog to read more about startup marketing. Andrew Chen is an angel investor and adviser in the silicon valley, and previously worked as the director of product marketing at Audience Science. His archives are a great place to dig out his best growth hacking articles.

Bonus – Few more Growth Hacking resources

Here are a few additional resources for you to follow and subscribe to.
Growth Hacking Sub-Reddit
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The Sub-Reddit of Growth Hacking. Subscribe to this page for daily updates and quality articles on Growth Hacking techniques.
Growth Hacking Twitter List
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Follow the people on this Twitter list to stay updated with the latest trends in growth hacking.
Growth Hackers on Clarity
Visit Website
Want to hire a professional and proven growth hacker for your startup? View the list of growth hackers offering their services at Clarity for your convenience. If you accept to meet their call price, you can arrange a talk with them regarding your startup. It also offers the service of Sean Ellis, the one who coined growth hacking and also Hiten Shah, the founder of Kissmetrics.
Adam Nash
Visit Website
This is the personal blog of former LinkedIn Executive. A worth reading blog about startup marketing and growth hacking tips.
Dan Martell
Visit Website
Dan Martell is the founder of Clarity and Flowtown. He is a lecturer on growth hacking. Subscribe to his blog for serious insights into this industry.

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31 Best Tricks to Direct Traffic to Your Website For Earn Money

Your blog or your website is like your virtual image. It is the digital mirror through which the entire world sees you. If nobody visits your website, then you are doomed. Consequently, nobody will know what you do.
The number of visits to a website will, ultimately, determine the success or failure of such website. It is therefore, imperative that your blog or website should attract as much visitors as possible. Since the primary purpose of generating traffic to your website is to:
• Improve Visibility
• Improve Ranking and
• Improve Revenue,
I have, therefore decided to publish the best 21 ways to direct massive traffic to your websites and blogs. This publication has been divided into 3 parts for easy assimilation. Happy reading:
1. Write and Publish Articles: this is no doubt a very powerful tool. The more articles write and publish on your website, the better. Depending on your niche, endeavor to publish a minimum of 1 article per day

2. Participate In Forum Discussion. Another strategy to help make your website more popular is to join and participate in forum discussion. Make comments and provide answers on other peoples post. Include your website’s URL in your comment, if possible. Examples of popular forums are: Warrior, Nairaland etc
3. Social Networking Sites: most social websites are free to join. Join and sign up with as many social websites as you can. Make posts and comments. Insert pictures where necessary. Interacts with other users frequently. Examples of free social websites are Facebook, Twitter, Eskimi etc
4. SEO: SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. This is one of my favorites. Optimize your blogs and websites by frequently adding keywords that are relevant to your niche. Make sure that your contents are original. Google has a way of detecting “Copy & Paste” bloggers.
5. Open a Good “About Me” Page with eBay. eBay has over 50 million customers worldwide and they do allow the promotion of websites in the “About Me” page. Sign up with them and create a nice “About Me” page. Insert your website’ link on this page and see your traffic grow. So, go take advantage of this.
6. Free Adverts: There are lots of sites out there that provide free ads space. Utilize this opportunity to drive traffic to your websites. Example are: Google trader,,, etc
7. Paid Adverts: you can also drive massive traffic to your website by paying to advertise your website. Such places to advertise are: Google, Facebook, Newspaper etc
8. Make Use Of Backlinks: Whenever you make a comment or a post, try as much as possible to input your website’ URL in it. It could be a post you make on social bookmarking sites like Facebook, twitter, etc. Users who read your comments or posts can click on your link which will direct them back to your site.
9. Set up Your Own Discussion Forum: You can create your own community discussion forum where users can engage in discussion.
10. Business Card: This is another effective tool that can be deplored to generate massive traffic to your websites and blogs. Print your business card and include your website’ URL on it.
11. Word Of Mouth: Tell your friends, your family members and your business associates about your sites. Encourage them to visit your sites more frequently.
12. Use Your Car And Trucks: Turn your car, your truck, your bike into a moving advertisement tool. Get a sticker with your URL on it, and stick it on your car or what have you.
13. Offer Freebies: Majority of the people like ‘awoof’. Offer visitors to your site freebies like eBooks etc.
14. YouTube: Aside Google, YouTube has been adjudged the largest search engine. Post your video on YouTube and include your website’ URL at the end.
15. Sign Up With Questions And Answers Websites: These sites are very effective when you need to direct traffic to your sites. Sign up with them and ask questions or provide answers on relevant topics. Examples of these sites are:,, etc

16. Unbroken Links: Make sure your links are up and working. Broken links discourage your website’ users.

17. Clear & Clean Backgrounds: Make sure that the background of your blogs and websites are clear and cleaned. Blurred and badly designed background easily put away visitors.
18. RSS Feeds: These are very effective tool to drive traffic to your blogs. Use them a lot.
19. Referral Programs: Offer a discount or commission to your site users if they refer others to your business.
20. Email Listings: This is definitely a very effective tool to drive traffic. There are lots of websites out there who can provide you with email-listing services. Examples are:, etc
21. Be Patient: More importantly, be patient. It takes Google some time to index your site
I hope these tips are helpful. For more interesting topics
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Microsoft Office Launched iPad Dominates Top of App Store For Users


Earlier this week, Microsoft launched a version of its Office suite of productivity apps for the iPad.
The suite of Microsoft Office apps for iPad have only been in the Apple App Store for 24 hours and are already dominating the download charts.
The three freemium apps — which are free to download but require a subscription ($99) to edit documents and perform other functions — are occupying the top consecutive spots of the App Store's free downloads. Microsoft OneNote, which doesn't require a subscription but has ties to Office, is in the No. 4 spot.

SEE ALSO: Microsoft Office for iPad Isn't Perfect, But It's What We Needed All Along
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella drew attention to the achievement with a tweet sent on Friday, noting it "looks like it's a productive Friday for #iPad owners!" He also included a screen shot of the apps at the top of the App Store.

Images Sharing in a Snap: 7 Step Free Alternatives to Droplr

Many of us here at TechSpot use Droplr on a daily basis to quickly share screenshots. While this simple app is great at what it does, since it moved to a subscription-only model I decided to look for a replacement. It’s just hard to justify paying $4.99 a month when there are quite a few options out there that work just as well.
For those unfamiliar with the service, Droplr offers a quick and easy way to share not just screenshots, but also text snippets and any type of files. Want to share a quick screenshot? Press a hotkey, select an area of the screen to snap, and the resulting image is automatically uploaded along with a short link copied to your clipboard ready to share. For files just drag them to Droplr’s system tray icon and they’ll be uploaded instantly.
No folders, no syncing. Droplr excels at simplicity. But if, like me, you feel it’s not critical enough to your workflow to pay a monthly subscription, here are some free alternatives you should look at.


CloudApp works very similar to the original Droplr. There's a global hotkey for quickly snapping screenshots as well as the option to drag any type of file to its status bar icon, with a shortened link to the image or file copied to the clipboard. Like all the alternatives listed here CloudApp is free, but you can only share up to 10 files (max 25MB each) a day. If that’s not enough there’s a Pro upgrade for $45/year which offers limitless shares, larger files sizes and your own personalized links. Downside? Available only for Mac.


FluffyApp is a third-party Windows client for CloudApp and probably the closest thing to the Droplr sharing experience on the platform. It offers the same functionality plus options like automatic uploads of PrtScr presses, and ‘add text’, which offers a quick way to share texts or code. Since it's based on CloudApp you'll need to sign up for an account and are bound to the same 10 uploads per day limitation. Available only for Windows (free).


Unlike the previous two alternatives which support all types of files, this one is strictly for screenshots. The app lets you set hotkeys for full screen, selected area and active window. As soon as an image is captured and uploaded, a short link is copied to the clipboard for you to share. TinyGrab adds a social element by offering the option to share screenshots to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or by email. If you are into sharing through social networks this app saves you a step. Available for Windows and Mac free of charge with no storage limits in place. There is supposedly an iPhone client but it seems unavailable in the U.S. iTunes store at this time.


Gyazo is a pretty straightforward screenshot sharing utility with the added option of capturing animated GIFs and videos (up to 10 seconds long). With the press of a hotkey you'll see a crosshair cursor to snap a specific area on your screen. Gyazo automatically uploads the image to their servers, and then opens a browser pointing to the unique URL for the image, with options to share on social networks. Although Gyazo is free on Windows, Mac, Linux there's also a premium tier for $2.99/month that gets rids of ads and adds annotation support.


Monosnap is highly customizable and among its key features is the option to annotate screenshots. The latter adds an extra step into the workflow but will come in handy when you want to describe stuff within the image you are sharing. Alternatively, you can just adjust the program's settings so it skips the editor and automatically uploads screenshots or saves them to the desktop. Monosnap integrates with external providers like Dropbox, Evernote,, CloudApp or your own server via FTP if you'd rather store captures there.
For the meticulous freak Monosnap's editor has an 8x magnifier for pixel perfect crops. Besides Windows, Mac and iOS, Monosnap is available for Chrome and an Android client is reportedly in the works.


Skitch is hardly a replacement for the streamlined Droplr screenshot sharing experience but its powerful annotation tools make it a contender in its own right. Upon taking a screenshot the built-in editor will launch and there's no way to skip this step. You can add arrows, text, shapes, stamps and drawings to images or use the pixelate tools to blur out information. Since Evernote acquired Skitch in 2011 the two are now tightly integrated. Upon closing the editor, images are automatically uploaded to your Evernote account and count towards your free 60MB monthly quota, though you can configure it to work with your own server via FTP.
Skitch is available for free on Windows, OS X, Android and iOS.


It’s not a screenshot sharing app but Dropbox can be configured to automatically upload any screenshots taken natively in Windows or OS X and copy a share URL to your clipboard. Alternatively you can save a screenshot to any folder within your Dropbox and press the share link button -- just like you would with any other file. Although there's no annotation feature it's a competent alternative if you are already using the service.
Posted by Unknown

Business Ebooks For Read Users






Untold Story of the Survival of the Penn Central

Untold Story of the Survival of the Penn Central
Downloads: 172         Pages: 41
Published: 27 days ago
Rating: Rated: 0 times
Author: Donald Prell


The story is factual from start to finish. The people are real, their names are given in full. One could question the ethics of what transpired. Did the means justify the end? You will decide. It is titled an ‘Untold Story’ because, other than a few numbered copies previously published, how the Penn Central Company was saved from having to be liquidated has not been known. Now through the medium of eBook publishing the story is no longer the sole provenance of a few collectors of Penn Central memorabilia.
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